Saturday, December 26, 2015

Free Download Mhotspot, For Create WiFi

To create a signal or WiFi network, now you no longer need a Router as a tool conveyor. Because the laptop you can make even a WiFi network in a short time though. However, still there are requirements that must be fulfilled in the making. And as for the condition that your laptop can make installation of a WiFi network card is WiFi (Wireless Fidelity).

In addition, there are other requirements that must be met, namely software maker terinstalnya software maker Hotspot WiFi signal on your laptop.

There are many options now WiFi hotspot creator software that you can get for free on the Internet, but one of several existing software, the software may Mhotspot is the best choice because the software is available in a free version and very easy to use.

Mhotspot is a software maker WiFi signal available in some devices such as Windows and Android. Thus, you can create a free WiFi Hotspot network wherever and whenever you want.

You can set how many clients will be connected on WiFi networks you belong to. In the version of Desktop or Laptop Mhotspot offer the maximum number of connected clients is 10.

Not stop until there, even Mhotspot Software also offers ease in making WiFi in laptops, because this software has the look of a simple and relatively easy to understand by the user. So with that as well not be surprised if they have many other users who have installed Mhotspot in the device.

For some of the other features of the software Mhotspot, you can see the following

Features Of Mhotspot
- Free to choose the name of the WiFi hotspot (SSID) and password (max 8 chars)
- Set the number of clients (Max 10)
- Availability of statistics display; including the number of clients connected, sending and receiving data, download and upload speeds and total data transmitted
- Security WPA2 PSK
- There are 4 display languages ​​(English, Chinese, Indonesian, Russian)

Recommended System Requirements For Mhotspot

Features Version
Operating System Windows(7/8/10) & Android
Processor -
Memory (RAM) -
Disk Space -
Video Card -

Link to Download the Free Software  Software Mhotspot and Legal

If you are interested in installing the device Mhotspot your Laptop, You should first download the installer file Mhotspot free download at the following link
