Saturday, December 26, 2015

Inkscape, Free Software For Maker Vectors

One of the best open source software to create vector images are Inkscape. Yes, this title can not be inevitable, because this software really is free software, including open source or GNU GPL.

Inkscape is an open source software that allows you to create vector drawing designs or other similar images. With this software all your work related to the design of the picture will be much easier. It is not impossible, especially in the software is already available features and tools that can support your creativity in designing and making the picture.

Images produced by this software can be utilized for a variety of things, including the image posters, illustrations, book covers, cover invitations, and many others.

As for the actual usability and functionality software Inkscape is similar to Corel Draw software. It's just the difference between the two lies in the design software license. Software Inkscape has licensed the GNU General Public License (available for free), while Corel Draw is a paid software that requires you to purchase a serial number.

Even so, both the software still has advantages and disadvantages of each, either in features, appearance, and price. But clearly the software Inkscape is free software that you can use now.

Features of Inkscape

There are many menu choices and features in Inkscape, and some of the most striking are the following:

- Template; facilitate the user in selecting and arranging the image size.
- Choice of storage in a variety of file formats, such as svg, svgz, pdf, png, ps, eps, emf, wmf, pov, fx, ODG, tex, df, gpl, HPGL, html, zip, Acting, sk1, FXG, xaml , shifts, and tar.
- Import of various file formats
- Check Spelling
- Filters
- Extensions
- Path
- Object
- Layer
- And many others

Actually there are many features in Inkscape, however, for more details please you try this software on your computer. But remember the first note the minimum requirements before installing Inkscape.

System Requirements For Inkscape

Features Version
Operating System Windows (32bit & 64bit), Mac Os X, GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Opensuse, Fedora)
Processor -
Memory (RAM) -
Disk Space -
Video Card -

Link to Download the Free Software Inkscape and Legal
